Inclusive REskilling and upSkilling Toward competitive Agrifood and veterinary sectoR: European agenda StraTegy
I-RESTART aims to foster innovation through a multi-stakeholder approach to identify skills needs. Utilizing various networks and partners, the project covers unexplored aspects of the sector. The training material, offered as a certified course or shorter modules (micro-credentials), aligns with the EU Skills Agenda and the main outcomes of the Pact for Skills roundtables.
The project promotes inter-sectoral and intergenerational skills transfers by adopting an innovative micro-credentials methodology. This approach provides inclusivity, flexibility for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, and incorporates engaging work-based patterns with mentors. The ecosystem is further opened to external workers.
I-RESTART integrates micro-credentials training as an innovative means to facilitate rapid upskilling and reskilling, aiming to boost the adoption of VET in the agri-food and veterinary sector.
The project also serves as an implementation channel for the outcomes of the Pact for Skills. Two partners, COPA-COGECA and FDE, representing farmers and the agri-food industry at the EU level, collaborate in a common task force for the Pact for Skills.
Remigio Berruto
Patrizia Busato
Daniele Rossi