Agrifood Ecosystem Pact4Skills

The Pact for Skills aims to get public and private organisations together and encourage them to make concrete commitments to upskilling and reskilling adults.

What is the Pact for Skills? 

The Pact for Skills, a flagship initiative under the European Skills Agenda, launched by the European Commission, emerges to address the rapidly changing global landscape at a time when technological advancements, demographic shifts, and evolving labour market demands are reshaping the skills required in the workforce, and there is a need for continuous upskilling and reskilling. The European Commission has taken a proactive stance, realising that a collaborative effort public-private is essential to navigating the challenges and opportunities of the future, aligning efforts, promoting lifelong learning, and addressing the skills gap effectively. Partnerships between public and private entities, including educational institutions, businesses, and social partners, are encouraged to leverage resources, expertise, and networks. These partnerships foster innovation, facilitate knowledge exchange, and create a holistic ecosystem for skills development. The Pact for Skills aims to identify current and emerging skills needs in different sectors and regions through in-depth research and analysis. This enables the formulation of targeted policies and initiatives to bridge the gap between supply and demand. At the same time, the Pact emphasises the importance of providing accessible and high-quality upskilling and reskilling opportunities for individuals at all stages of their careers. This involves developing flexible training programs, recognising prior learning, and promoting digital and soft skills. The European Commission, in collaboration with national and regional authorities, mobilises funding to support the development and implementation of skills-related projects, programs, and infrastructure. Additionally, private investments and innovative funding models are explored to maximise the impact and sustainability of the Pact.